What is PBIS?
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, is a framework that recognizes the positive contributions and behaviors that students demonstrate. Our school goal is to empower students to achieve academic, emotional, and social goals. PBIS at Vineland elementary school will enhance our current teaching practices by fostering a learning environment of acceptance, support, understanding, and safety.
How does PBIS work?
A key of the PBIS system is prevention. The foundational school wide expectations for Vineland Elementary School are:
- Self-Control
- Teamwork
- Accountability
- Respect
In addition to the four school wide expectations, PBIS has four other important components:
1) A School Wide Behavior Matrix that explains behavior expectations in each school location.
2) Direct teaching of the four expectations throughout the school year.
3) PBIS Vineland STAR bucks:
Acknowledging and reinforcing positive behavior is one of the best ways to change inappropriate behavior and encourage appropriate behavior. At Vineland, each student will have the opportunity to earn STAR bucks when demonstrating any of the four behavior expectations. Each month, students will enjoy shopping trips to the PBIS Recognition Store as well as participating in periodic school-wide celebrations.
4) Behavior documentation to record and address inappropriate behaviors with students and their parents. Even with clear expectations and positive reinforcement, sometimes children will misbehave. To address inappropriate behavior, discipline issues will be categorized into major and minor infractions. When a child repeatedly receives minors or majors, parents/guardians, teachers, support staff and the principal will meet to build an effective behavior intervention plan for that child.
Parents/Guardians and PBIS
To be successful, our behavior system needs to be a partnership between home and school. Throughout the school year the PBIS team will send information home and offer parent informational meetings concerning PBIS. We invite your comments, concerns and ideas to make PBIS more successful at our school. Please support PBIS at Vineland by:
- Reviewing the four behavior expectations with your child regularly.
- Reviewing and discussing the Vineland Behavior Matrix with your child.
- Using the four expectations at home.
- Providing positive reinforcement (rewarding good choices with compliments or quality time) at home.
- Sharing your comments or questions with a member of the Vineland PBIS team.